yes, why is it that i always mean to update....
Music: Bright Eyes - Waste Of Paint
Mood: its summer?
yeah, so i always want to update and add cool stuff...but my stuff just ain't that cool, unfortunately. and the fact that I don't really feel comfortable talking about whats going on in my daily life also kinda gets in the way. and since im always busy with work and more work and trying to see friends...its all time consuming. and what happened to my picture? it just up and left. oh well, i have this crappu digital camera that i'll take pics with. yeah, fun stuff.
i think i need a list of things that i'll always update about. music or something. or what happened at work. or maybe just a sum up of each day, tho my life is painfully boring and therefore that would make for boring reading. but who reads this anyway. if you are reading this, i do this for you!
ok, meaningful info: i think i talked about how i was friends with this girl, friends with benefits etc. did i mention that i snuck out of the house and rode my bike 4 miles to her house and made out at 1 AM? and did i mention that i made it to third? and did i mention that we still hang out and do this kind of stuff? no? well that was over a week ago. way for me to post shit.
work has been picking up. it seems like we have new people each week because so many people keep leaving. that means i have to work twice as hard to compensate for their novice-ness. i think it also means that i get paid more tips. eh, idk. and all the new waitresses make work hell because they still don't know how to do everything they should. yuck.
and i got another computer and monitor in my room. hopefully soon i'll have a third computer (no more monitors, unfortunately. i'll just have to ssh). yeah, so i've been installing gentoo linux on them, and its kind of a mess. every time i do install it i manage to screw up some aspect of the install. so i have to keep repeating it, which is ok really...but a big pain in the ass if you know what i mean. at least im getting better at it :-)
music: so i found bright eyes...kinda. i had always listened to them before but never really paid any attention, then when i did it was like "WOW!" yeah, really great stuff. the lyrics are so....emotional and meaningful. damn, its great.
lets hope i update tomorrow is well, get the ball rolling. oh, and i started reading Angels and Demons by Dan Brown, the author of the Da Vinci Code. yeah, that guy. thats all for now. later.
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