again and again...
Music: (shoutcast stream)
Mood: hacker mood
no blogs, lots of blogs, no blogs, lots of maybe it was my fear of talking about what I had to talk about. now that thats over i feel the need to share again, although so much is horribly wasted because I can never remember what i wanted to write about. its never organised and cohesive. ideas come and go. its a mess.
I used to read this guy scott's blog [] and it was really cool for a while. then he stopped being an online nerd and talking to me and so i dropped him. oh well. what i learned from him (but never actually used) was his blogging writing style. he had been doing this for years (and then suddenly he was popular) so he had a good system down. he wrote notes and organised them as they happened during the day and then sat down and wrote a blog at night. this kid wrote HUGE blogs: usually 2,000 words and sometimes over 10,000 in a single blog. wow. of course it wasn't always cool to read, but it helped his writing style and his blogs were pretty good. that was my goal for blogging: to become a better writer. I also like it when people read my work, but oh well.
So i should start making notes and talking about me and what I like and being more personal, because hey, its my stinking blog. but im always afraid that someone will read what i have written (maybe about them) and be offended. I try not to say bad things about others because no matter how much of an asshole they can be, there are times when you will need them and that won't work if they don't like you. so i try to be nice to everyone unless i can control the damage (as in manipulate them cause its funny).
but i will write about them, and be blunt, and hope that they can take it because real friends shouldn't fall away that easily and hopefully no one from work reads this. yeah...lets hope.
what so i like? we could look at my interests page, but then again that has nothing to do with me (i just realised while typing this that if someone was sitting here whatever im writing is something that i would be vocalising to them. i never shut up do i?). anyway, i like the fact that i can use html as i type and add links by hand and use cool code to make spaces and stuff. that makes me special....and this too:
yeah, don't ask.
wow, its kind of late....i'll write more tomorrow...ish
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