Music: ambient trance
Mood: active
Note to self: get cool emoticons from

I'm a big fan of dA, i spend quite some time there actually. if you look at my dA page I have all sorts of favorites....I just keep adding to them. One of these days maybe i'll do something artsy and post something cool....maybe...someday.
My Gentoo linux install is almost done on the P3, i'll be ready to start it on my Athlon-XP...or maybe I should install it on my sister's old 400 MHz celeron....yeah, maybe. If i can get her to not use it for a day or so...maybe longer depending on how long it takes even with distcc. I'd use a stage 3 install for hers as well as the P3, just so i can get it up and have a replacement desktop to use for a few days. I'll use them both to speed up the compile time of my stage 1 gentoo build for my AthlonXP. then i'll set up grid computing or something to that effect and harness the power of all 3 (perhaps a 4th soon) computers!! why I need all that power is beyond me, but why not use it if you can?
I had my first ride on a motorcycle today where i wasn't in a sidecar. I was an old all original '57 harley. Ted was in front and I sat behind him. beautiful day for a ride....
I have to go to the local library tomorrow to do research on some colleges. I'll post my list of colleges that I plan on visiting tomorrow and then after a few visits i'll pick 6 or less to apply to. I got my final grades and they aren't TOO bad (if you weight them the score goes up).
P.E.: 96 - weighted: 101? (how do you weight gym?)
APUSH: 73 - weighted: 84
AP Chem: 85 - weighted: 98
English 3 H: 81 - weighted: 89 - might be AP wieght: 93
Engineering: 90 - weighted: 95
Advanced Math H: 91 - weighted: 100
Spanish 4 H: 92 - weighted: 101
Average: 87 - weighted: 95
Calculated GPA: 94.9 (i think) - old GPA was 102.94...i went down.
Average GPA: 100.26 ( i assume)
so good news all around. I didn't do as bad as I initially thought that I would. hurray!!
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