drinking sucks

yeah, so i was home all alone, and i was curious, and so i decided that i wanted to know how muchi could drink. really bad idea. drinking is a bad idea in the first place, but doing it alone, with the sole purpose to get drunk, is even worse.
so i had about 3 shots of 80 proof liquor (i was taking a little bit from each bottle so that no one would notice). and then i started to barely feel it. after 4-5 i was definately buzzed. once i got to 8 i was drunk, but not sick yet. i could still function....except that things had a tendancy to spin. u should have stopped there, packed everything up, and went to bed.
instead i had anywhere from 2 to 4 more, i lost count somewhere. by then everything was moving, and my stomach was not feeling very happy. everything i remember is very blurred...i know that i vomitted, but i can't remember doing it. i have AIM conversation logs of me panic-ing because i drank too much. and when i woke up everything in the house was clean and there was no sign that i had been drinking. i don't remember taking my clothes off or getting into bed, but i woke up just fine.
so i still felt ill all day today. like my stomach was not happy. and i still feel it. I'm praying that in the morning all the effects will be gone...because when i woke up i was still buzzed. it has mostly faded, with the nasty feeling in my stomach being the only lasting effect. at least i didn't have a hangover (somewhere around shot 5 i started drinking lots of water).
what have i learned: drinking sucks. my tolerance. what it feels like to be buzzed/drunk.
was it worth it?: maybe...but i should have stopped at shot #7 and saved myself some vomiting and sickness.
really interesting experience....feel free to tell me how much of a dumbass i am.
I told you that mixing your alcohol would make you sick! But oh no you said, "I have an iron stomach it won't make me sick." Dumbass. lol I hope you feel better today.
Kay, at July 5, 2004 at 12:07 PM
I recall when you said you were drinking, you were very incoherent and it was some weekday. You kept on telling me how you couldn't see and the floor was disappearing under you. Pretty trippy I say.
Anonymous, at July 28, 2004 at 11:44 AM
yeah, i remember that. unfortunately it was my own stupidity that i couldn't "see" the AIM window i was typing into wouldn't update and i couldn't see straight enough to realise i had scrolled up, so i couldn't see any new text. im a dumbass.
Nick, at July 28, 2004 at 12:11 PM
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