Marlon Brando...

The Godfather died today at 80 years of age. damn.
In other news, the worlds most dangerous web browser, Internet Explorer, has been deemed very dangerous. yeah, the department of homeland security has suggested that people use an alternate browser. I like Mozilla (the browser, e-mail client, and calendar) or Firefox (just the browser). Also if you're still using Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express, Check out Thunderbird, Mozilla's e-mail client. All are free and easy to adjust to for IE users. get your copy today. For a short tutorial to uninstalling IE, see the article at NewsForge.
I was watching this VH1 show about Fear Factor. I'm not really into watching that kind of stuff, but i'd love to be on the show. As some people I work with know, I have an "iron stomach" and i can eat just about anything without any serious side effects. I also have an odd sense of taste. To eat wierd stuff on TV would be so cool....
I think I'm going to start doing a "picture of the day" from Deviant Art. I'll do one with each post, and if you click it you get to fullview the image. It sounds like a cool if i can just get it to work.
I work tonight, and since the population in my town triples in the summer time (10,000 people to 30,000 + the people that come to for Stop & Shop, Blockbuster, Ocean State Job Lot, and all the other cool stores we have) I'm hoping that the resturant will be REALLY BUSY. I want to make a lot of money....obviously. anyway, I'll prolly post after work and share how the night went. Something always happens at work....
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