honk if you like....

i started drivers ed. its the biggest waste of time. ever. but its something that has to be done if you know what i mean. theres no way around it. you don't care. nuff said.
i got out the other night and hung out with some kids from work. we played SNES (super nintendo) and i had a good time. its the first time i've hung out with kids in a couple months, so it felt good.
the TBS cd is rockin'. i love it a lot. its a lot of the same thing as their other album, and therefore i love it. yeah...im sure it'll grow on me and i'll have something profound and meaningful to say about it, but until then just listen to it.
i have an inner conflict: should i spend $300+ or not? its to upgrade my video card so i can play doom 3 and kick ass. if you don't know what that means, don't worry about it. i also want to start playing FFXI. its about time you know? but school will start soon and my mom is ready to kill me as it is. im not sure why but it has something to do with me not doing college application stuff and being on the computer all the time, and this would just cause more of that to happen. i don't know what to do. oh well.
once again...i want a girl companion that i can make out with and look at and feel proud. not easy to find. damn. be sure to tell me if you meet any nice single girls that are looking for a guy like me. thanks in advance.
oh, and the blog image. damn fine looking. d-d-d-damn! yeah, thats all. so until next time, don't feed the squirrels.
personally, i dont think you should spend so much money just so you can play video games. i mean, they're fun and all, but you should prolly save your money for a car right? you're taking drivers ed and everything so you're gonna need a car.unless you already have one, but hey i get around by bike so bite me.and another thing. what's with the d-d-d-damn? it's kind of weird when a guy says things like that about a girl... (frankly, it freaks us out).plus, it sounds kind of ...juvenile. sorry, but im just being honest. you could have just stuck with the fact that she looked
"damn fine" instead of sounding like Emeril Lagasse or something.
~love always,
Anonymous, at August 4, 2004 at 6:14 PM
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