and a pocket full of shells

i am very tired. why? because i was up late playing doom 3 and had to get up early and go to work. awesome game. i think its the most visually stunning and most terrifying game i've ever played.
the blog image really describes how i feel-ish. school is coming, like everybody says, and i have so much to do before it gets here. i don't think i want to be a senior. i just don't fit it right. yesterday at drivers ed someone i hadn't seen for a while asked me if i was my brother, not that i have a brother, but they asked me if i was because i looked different. they didn't specify if that was a good or bad thing, but whatever. i hope that people notice that im different, and that i can be different, once school starts again. this is my last chance to change for everyone i go to school with, cause after that im gone.
i thought harold and kumar go to white castle was one of the funniest movies ever. i loved it, tho im not sure why. it was just so cool and funny and dumb. i also managed to see the notebook. i personally love romantic films, so i enjoyed this very much. the 40's and 50's seem to be the golden years. romance today just doesn't seem to be as it was back then. i have a whole bunch of movies i have to watch so i'll give you some decent reviews once i see them.
im having a moral dilemma. i know that i said that i didn't want to spend money on a new video card.....but now i also want some speakers. logitech z-680 5.1 surround sound speakers for my computer, along with a spiffy new video card. i figure if i really want it i should buy iy, because when else will i have the money to do it? in the end i'll be glad that i bought it and be happy...i hope.
its time to watch Mean Girls so i'm gonna go, and stay away from the nasty food they serve around the corner...i hear it gets people REALLY sick...
dont piss away all your money, nick. ur gonna need a car.gas for the car, too. ur gonna need stuff for school. ur prolly gonna need new clothes. or track stuff.or CDs or....something. but y do u need new speakers?dont the speakers u have now work well enough?
Anonymous, at August 7, 2004 at 1:47 PM
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