never really gone...
No time tonight to find a mood or an slowly losing interest in deviant art. i know that some day i'll look back at it and decide i love it all over again, but for now i couldn't care less.
School starts in less than a week so im very busy trying to get everything done before that happens. I have books to read and journal as well as my job and the lawn and meetings and a whole bunch of crap that i just don't have the time for. but I want to drop it all and just spend time with someone new...who i don't understand at all, but who i wish i could know everything about.
shes an enigma really. I can't tell what she's thinking. shes beautiful and smart and funny and i love being around her and talking to her. I feel like the luckiest person alive because i met her. someday, i may regret those words, but for now i feel positive and there is certainly room to grow.
I came back from camp last saturday and have been busy ever since. I was at my dad's for a few days, and then i worked all day today and went to drivers ed. soon i will finish that and be free. i'll have a licence and be able to travel wherever my heart desires. ahhh....can't wait.
running camp was awesome. too awesome to describe and i did too many dumb/funny things to tell about them all. i want to go back there so much, so my goal is to run a 4:30 mile by the end of the year and to run a 17:00 5k. They are very high goals, but i really want to go back to that camp as a counselor and those are the numbers i need.
lately i've been thinking about college and what i want to do with my life. i am seriously considering not going to college at all and instead traveling and living life and meeting people. sure its not a real solid plan, but its something i want to think more about and possibly pursue. time will help me decide.
thats all for now cause its late. i'll be around with more updates soon.
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