what? why? how?
somehow i'm blogging twice in a row on two different blogs (i just blogged on the new one, but something compelled me to blog on this one too. go figure.
i really have nothing more to say than you can find on the other (i KNOW people hate following different links, but really, if you care about reading more than just general crap, visit the other one)
just in case you got lost? congradulations: its late and i'm nonsensical! i can't even spell anymore! whoo!
everything that makes me me that i try to suppress so that i see less odd:
I love dancing
I know I suck at both singing and dancing but i do them anyway
i think sex is a funny topic and i offend people by accident a lot by making sexual inuendos
i had sex with your mom last night
i am a sucker for girls who are nice to me
im a sucker for guys who are nice to me too
i rarely think things through before i say them
i overthink things before i do them
my ideas don't usually work
my best ideas are the ones i never use
i rarely start anything important
i finish what i start even less
i confuse dreams and reality
im all talk
i cross the bridge before i get to it
then i get lost on the way there
i blame myself for everything
i don't think other people like me
i always feel alone